Hope scholarship, Florida Citizens Alliance, Naples, FL

Anti-Bullying Scholarship Program Offers ‘Hope’ for Students

by | Dec 1, 2020

Anti-bullying scholarship program offers ‘Hope’ for students — and school choice

It may be far more difficult for Republican state legislators to find friends across the aisle under the presidency of Joe Biden, who declared as a candidate: “If I’m president, Betsy DeVos’s whole notion, from charter schools to [Title IX reform], are gone.”

By Max Eden via The Hill

Date: Nov. 30, 2020

The politics of school choice will look much different in the post-Trump era. It may be far more difficult for Republican state legislators to find friends across the aisle under the presidency of Joe Biden, who declared as a candidate: “If I’m president, Betsy DeVos’s whole notion, from charter schools to [Title IX reform], are gone.” But conservative state leaders looking to salvage a semblance of bipartisanship — or maintain the moral high ground on a partisan basis — should consider replicating Florida’s Hope Scholarship program.

The Hope Scholarship, signed into law in March 2018, is America’s first and only school choice program dedicated to serving students victims of violence, bullying and abuse. The law stipulates that after an alleged incident, school districts are required to notify parents that their children are eligible to transfer to another public school, to a charter school, or to apply a tuition tax credit scholarship to a participating private school of their choice.

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FLCA Academy

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