Kids Learning, Florida Citizens Alliance, Naples, FL

Critical Concerns

by | May 26, 2021

Parents across the country have expressed outrage at being pushed on their children. In a win for Florida parents who oppose Critical Race Theory, Governor Ron DeSantis has taken a strong stand against Critical Race Theory in schools.

By Cassie Moran

Date: May 26, 2021

Parents across the country have expressed outrage at being pushed on their children. In a win for Florida parents who oppose Critical Race Theory, Governor Ron DeSantis has taken a strong stand against Critical Race Theory in schools. Executive Office of the Governor Press Secretary Christina Pushaw stated, “Governor DeSantis has made clear his position on CRT. It is divisive, irrational, and has no place in our classrooms. CRT is rooted in Marxism, an anti-American ideology that has caused untold suffering and death everywhere it has been implemented. Moreover, CRT teaches discrimination based on ethnicity and racial background.” Many parents agree.

In many ways, DeSantis’s position has been maintained not only in word but in action. The Epoch Times reports, “A Duval County teacher has been terminated from classroom instruction for refusing to remove a Black Lives Matter banner from the wall outside her classroom, violating Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ ban of Critical Race Theory (CRT) in public schools.” This is not an issue of free speech, but rather demonstrates Florida’s commitment to ensuring a quality education – without indoctrination – to every Florida child.

Still, some concerns remain. Keith Flaugh of Florida Citizens Alliance points out, “Since we have every school district in Florida buying these English Language Arts textbooks right now—that will be in the classrooms for the next four to six years that are full of critical race theory—how does the governor maintain any credibility by saying he’s banned them when, in fact, critical race theory is rampant in the new textbooks they’re buying?” A ban on Critical Race Theory is utterly worthless if textbooks are full of it.

Florida Citizens Alliance recently created a petition to send to DeSantis urging him to “Stop the adoption of ELA textbooks until the FL DOE can be 100% confident that all the textbooks and teacher editions are completely free of Critical Race Theory and its many tentacles” and “Strictly prohibit any school district in Florida from accepting a direct federal grant related to Critical Race Theory or its many tentacles.” This petition allows Florida parents to make their voices heard.

Some may question what the solution is in place of the expected ELA textbooks. Florida Citizens Alliance’s response? Original sourced materials and classical literature already in the B.E.S.T. ELA Standards.

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About the Author

Cassie Moran

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