Public schools monopolize today’s education-scape and the free market in education seems limited, but Freedom Project Academy is meeting the demands of parents and students across the nation.
By Cassie Moran
Date: June 14, 2021
One of the amazing aspects of a free market is that it constantly adapts to meet the demands of a population. Public schools monopolize today’s education-scape and the free market in education seems limited, but Freedom Project Academy is meeting the demands of parents and students across the nation.
Though many have raised the alarms for years, indoctrination in schools has only recently become a hot topic. From Critical Race Theory to radical sex and gender curriculums being pushed on students, parents are rightfully concerned. Fortunately, Freedom Project Academy is entirely independent of federal funding. This allows the Academy to have full control over exactly what their students learn, rather than being forced to bend to the will of the government. Because the Academy is financially independent from the state, they are able to craft a curriculum that works for students above all else.
Contrary to many classrooms today, Freedom Project Academy boasts a classical curriculum, not Common Core! The website reads, “FPA is rooted firmly in the Judeo-Christian values as promoted in the Constitution by our Founding Fathers, who strove to guarantee the preservation of our God-given liberties.” Instead of worrying whether content such as Critical Race Theory will be mandated or banned in their state and school, parents can feel confident in the curriculum designed by the Academy.
If it is starting to sound too good to be true, it’s not! Freedom Project Academy is accessible to kindergarten through 12th grade students and families (FreedomProject Media even offers courses aimed at informing adults on the present threats to liberty America is facing!). The Academy offers both scheduled, live classes, and pre-recorded classes, meeting the needs of each individual student and allowing them to learn at their individual pace. Freedom Project Academy also offers tuition assistance opportunities for its students. Every child deserves a good, unbiased education, regardless of their family’s financial standing!
Freedom Project Academy checks all the boxes. Parents, if you are questioning the quality of education your child is currently receiving, check it out! Your child’s education is worth it.