Child Running, Florida Citizens Alliance, Naples, FL

New School Year, New Ambitions

by | Apr 19, 2021

New School Year, New Ambitions

It’s frustrating to watch your child struggle in a school unfit to meet their needs, but there is hope. While it is never too late to make a change to your child’s education, next year’s school enrollment time is running out.

By Cassie Moran

Date: April 19, 2021

Every New Year’s Eve, we celebrate the past year and we often make resolutions for the year to come. As we approach the end of the school year, now is a perfect time to reflect on our children’s educational experience and resolve to improve it.

This year, our children have faced particular challenges. Many have been relegated to learn from behind a screen. Those fortunate enough to attend school in person have been required to wear a face mask all day and stay so far apart from each other. Children were not meant to grow and thrive in isolation, and it shows: zoom class takes a mental health toll on children and the academic toll, especially long term, is uncertain. Perhaps for some students, zoom classes have worked well. The point is, parents ought to consider how it has affected their child, and know that there are options and resources available for various homeschool, online school, and private school opportunities.

Aside from the unique obstacles of this year, there are problems that sadly students encounter every year. Many students are bullied, and zoom classes do not eliminate the potential for bullying, as cyberbullying is prevalent. Unfortunately, bullying from other students is not the only problem. Incidents of inappropriate conduct from teachers also occur. Students deserve safety, and the Hope Scholarship covers these situations and more. Any student who has experienced battery, harassment, hazing, bullying, kidnapping, physical attack, robbery, sexual offense, threat, or intimidation and fighting even once qualifies for this scholarship.

Even the content children are exposed to in schools can be damaging. In Florida public schools, our children are exposed to age-inappropriate sexual material, socialist and marxist ideas, critical race theory, and so much more. Once again, such an experience will qualify a student for the Hope Scholarship.

It’s frustrating to watch your child struggle in a school unfit to meet their needs, but there is hope. While it is never too late to make a change to your child’s education, next year’s school enrollment time is running out. As a parent, you’re entrusted with securing the best possible future for your child. Reflect on your child’s school experience this year and explore your options.

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About the Author

Cassie Moran

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