Parental Rights, Florida Citizens Alliance, Naples, FL

The Attack on Parental Rights in Public Schools

by | Dec 1, 2020

The Attack On Parental Rights In Public Schools

Brenda’s story highlights the importance of parental rights and how they are being trampled on today in our public schools.

By Cassie Moran

Date : Dec. 1, 2020

It would be nice to think that schools have our children’s best interest in mind- that our children’s health, safety, and well-being are their top priority. But we must remember that no one is more concerned about and invested in a child than their own parents. Brenda’s story highlights the importance of parental rights and how they are being trampled on today in our public schools.

As a highly involved parent, Brenda takes it upon herself to be her kid’s number one advocate and encourages other parents to take on the same role. She is a part of a non-profit, Parents For Informed Choice, which monitors legislation regarding parental rights, and funnels this information to mom’s groups. Her children attend school in Lee County school, and she loved the school, never having any issues- that is, until this year. As a result of COVID regulations, students are required to wear masks to attend school in person, but this posed a problem for Brenda’s daughter who has asthma. She has an exemption from the chiropractor who treats her, which in fact spelled out that she can wear a mask sometimes, just not all the time- a reasonable provision. Astonishingly, Brenda’s daughter has not been allowed to enter the school building. Instead, she has been forced to complete her work via “Home Connect”, the district’s virtual option, which Brenda discovered to be subpar to learning in the classroom. Although it is Brenda’s parental right to recognize the best educational options for her kids, the new regulations left her with no options at all.

No one is more concerned about and invested in a child than their own parents.

Brenda has fought this injustice by providing documentation to the school, but still, the school has maintained that she must provide exemption from an M.D., or it is unacceptable. According to Section 460.403(5), a child’s physical may be completed by a chiropractor, yet the school is not recognizing this note of exemption from a chiropractor. Brenda’s daughter has a chiropractor rather than an M.D. for her asthma because they want to treat it more naturally instead of with steroids or other medications for life. Once again, this is Brenda’s right as a parent to decide what is best for the health of her daughter.

Brenda is not alone in this fight. She has had a largely positive reaction, with many parents running into the same issue. Parents are showing up to meetings and writing letters in many districts. These parents want mask wearing to be a choice for students and teachers. Brenda is even aware of teachers who have breathing issues and are frustrated by this mandate. Unfortunately, it takes more than liking a post, and while sentiment has been strong, some people just don’t want to push it. Brenda’s daughter deserves for her health to be respected. She deserves a quality education. Brenda’s parental rights deserve to be respected. As Brenda states so aptly, “You have to stand up and fight for your kids. If you’re not their voice, then they don’t have a voice. If they don’t see you fight for them, they will not learn to fight for themselves.”

Parents must stand up and fight this lunacy like Brenda is doing. Little by little, parental rights are being stripped away, and soon the government will have complete control over our children if we let them. Brenda’s story demonstrates the government overstepping her rights to make decisions regarding the well-being of her children’s education and health. Parents not only have a right, but a responsibility to take care of their family, and the truth is that parents know better than the government what is best for their own family.

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