Since the news broke on March 11, 2024, regarding the settlement reached between the State of Florida and a group of plaintiffs on the Parental Rights in Education Law (HB 1557 from 2022), there has been mounting concern about the implications for children in schools. 

Unfortunately, the full impact of this settlement remains unclear, it’s crucial to address some of the misconceptions and truths surrounding it.

So let me break down the myths and facts related to this lawsuit:

  1. The Parental Rights in Education Law was struck down completely. 
    1. False: The law was not struck down and as such is still in effect.  
  2. Teachers can now have formal instruction time teaching on previously banned topics. 
    1. False: The settlement does not allow formal “instruction” time teaching on previously banned topics.
  3. The settlement defines what “classroom instruction” means. 
    1. True: In our reading of the settlement it does define what “classroom instruction” means. 
  4. The settlement allows for discussing these banned topics in a classroom setting. 
    1. True: The settlement does say “ The Statute “thus restricts instruction on particular subjects (sexual orientation and gender identity), not mere discussion of them.”
  5. This settlement creates a roadmap for school districts to go back to doing what has always happened. 
    1. True: Based on our reading of the settlement it defines what is allowed and what is not. For this reason, it would seem likely that discussions of these topics will and could happen. 
  6. The settlement impacts HB 1069 from the 2023 session. 
    1. True and False: From a technical standpoint it does not impact HB 1069 from the 2023 session even though the settlement does have statements written within that touch on the topics of HB 1069. However, will this open the door for “funny business” to take place at government schools related to the topics of HB 1069, this could very well happen. 

What is clear after this settlement is twofold. 

First, the time to get your children out of government schools has never been better. 

Second, as more bills get signed into law, there will be an increase in lawsuits. 

If you need any better understanding, please reach out to us at [email protected] or please visit our Action Center which will allow you to help future attacks on Florida’s parental rights. 

About the Author

Ryan Kennedy

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