Affiliate Partners

My Father’s World (MFW) is dedicated to raising up generations of families who see the world through God’s eyes and live according to that knowledge. Their Christian homeschool curriculum combines the best of Charlotte Mason’s ideas, classical education, and unit studies with a biblical worldview and global focus. It combines multi-age children with one unifying curriculum that can be taught to several different grade levels all at the same time. They strive to provide the best choices for literature, and they include their very own Book Basket, which is an extensive list of highly recommended, but optional, library books, and is included with each year of our curriculum.

Freedom Project Academy (FPA) offers a fully accredited, online Classical education for Kindergarten through High School. FPA is rooted firmly in the Judeo-Christian values as promoted in the Constitution by our Founding Fathers, who strove to guarantee the preservation of our God-given liberties. Their live classes are delivered online through interactive classrooms to students in all 50 states and a dozen foreign countries, serving missionary and military families overseas. FreedomProject Curriculum provides educational textbooks developed to be free of state and national educational mandates and ideological spin. Their incredible K-3 arithmetic curriculum is being used in FPA classrooms and homes across the country.

Classical Conversations is a proven Christian homeschool program created by parents for parents. They empower parents to guide their child’s educational development at every age (while teaching parents, too!). They believe education is best experienced together, and that’s why community is the bedrock of their homeschool model. They do this through a Christ-centered and family-friendly approach to homeschooling that makes everything biblical and hospitable, focused on three simple key areas: Classical, Christian, and Community. With Classical Conversations, parents are connected to a local community of fellow families, all walking the homeschool journey together.

The Foundation for American Christian Education (FACE) publishes and teaches America’s Christian history and method of education by Biblical principles to restore Christian self-government and character to the individual, to families, to the church and to the nations. They teach parents and educators the “Principle Approach”, which is the Biblical method of teaching and learning that begins with reasoning from the Word of God to identify the foundational principles of each subject. Along with a K-12 curriculum in the Principle Approach, which is called The Noah Plan®.

Bridgeway Academy offers live and online homeschool programs, including expert advice and grading support! They provide a range of offerings including accreditation, support, curriculum, and live online classes. For $100 off your child’s enrollment, use the code: $100FLCA
Discover! is a homeschool-friendly, student-first curriculum that inspires the whole family. Parents gain the confidence to educate their children with a program designed, from the ground up, for the homeschool environment. For $10 off your curriculum purchase, use the code: FLCA$10OFF

Covenant Journey Academy is a full-service K-12 online Christian academy that is available to families and private schools around the world 24/7/365, with more than 150 courses all taught by certified teachers, along with more than 30 college courses taught by qualified university faculty. To learn more about Covenant Journey Academy, complete the request for information form. You can also watch an informative video overviewing the many options provided by CJA, click here.

The SchoolBox program contains an 8-step guide to starting a school, which users can immediately access at no cost to them by signing up at Florida Citizen’s Alliance is proud to partner with them in this venture, alongside our team of local ambassadors. SchoolBox users can tailor their content by choosing from a variety of Christian school models including traditional brick-and-mortar schools, homeschools, cooperatives, and hybrid schools. Once a school model has been identified, users will be assigned a FLCA ambassador who will help them successfully launch their school.

Nehemiah Institute
PEERS TESTThe Nehemiah Institute’s primary work since 1986 has been providing a “worldview assessment” to youth in Christian homes that are associated with Christian schools, homeschool associations, and church youth groups. PEERS reveals our basic worldview position in five key areas of life: Politics, Economics, Education, Religion and Social Issues (PEERS). It shows if we are holding to biblical ideas or secular ideas for personal and social behavior. Approximately 125,000 students and faculty from over 1,000 schools have taken the PEERS test since 1988. To take the Worldview Checkup, click here and use the code: AMB104 for %15 off!

The FPEA serves thousands of homeschooling families in Florida, delivering a wealth of support, guidance and information to both new and longtime home educators. Acknowledging there is no one “right” way to educate, the FPEA acts as an ambassador and champion, serving and protecting the rights and choices of all homeschoolers. Sign up today and take advantage of the many benefits that come with being a member. You can save $10 off your annual membership by using the code FLCA24.

The Tuttle Twins’ Books Introduces Important Ideas That Schools Don’t Teach. Each book features Ethan and Emily Tuttle, 9-year-old twins who learn important ideas with the help of classic works on politics and economics. They get to the heart of some fundamental principles of economics that are sorely missing in our educated populace today. Basic concepts of individual liberty, work ethic, civil liberties, and inflation seem to be non-existent in basic education, and it’s showing up in society.

BRAVE Books is a Christian publishing company that makes books for kids that reinforce biblically-based, foundational values. They are dedicated to being the brand parents trust with their children’s imaginations by creating a world, characters, and stories that not only enthrall them but build their character while doing so. Every subscription comes with a new book every month, Biblical worldview curriculum, a Bonus gift, a Freedom Island map and stickers, and a 30-day money-back guarantee.

Trying to help children understand the foundational documents of our nation is quite a task. They will often have a hard time focusing, or fail to grasp the importance of such things (as do many of today’s adults). These products use playful imagery to keep children engaged and break down these complex topics into simple and memorable pieces of knowledge, while staying true to the source material.

William Federer is a historian and author of several books detailing the events that built our nation including Notable Events of American Significance Remembered on the Date They Occurred. An interesting and inspiring collection of history vignettes, one for each day of the year. Well-known national holidays and achievements are recalled in fascinating detail as well as little-known facts of courage, sacrifice, and captivating American trivia. AmericanMinute is produced daily by Bill Federer and explains what happened on each day in our nation’s history.
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We are always looking to expand our resource library by developing unique affiliate marketing agreements with established, value-aligned partners, to ensure families and schools have access to well-developed curriculum, supplemental resources, and professional development. The first thing we look at when evaluating a “potential partner” is their dedication to high-quality, faith-based, God-centric education. Once that’s established, our team then evaluates the potential partnership using our Kids First Approval Rating Scale. If you’d like to join our affiliate family, please reach out by clicking the “Become an Affiliate” button.